What You need to do now
Due to the particularities of domestic violence law you do not want to do anything in haste that could hurt you in the future. There is a time and place to state your case and only with competent legal counsel by your side. Speaking to the police without an attorney from The Domestic Violence Law Office could also permanently take away some necessary rights you may need later in Court to prove your innocence. Communicating with the police without being fully aware of your rights and the accusations may result in more significant charges. Police officers can lie to you during an interview and are often incentivized to do so. An officer trained in interrogation cannot be beaten because the interrogation rules are stacked against you no matter what you say.
Contact The Domestic Violence Law Office to start protecting and preserving your rights today!
The domestic violence law office
The Domestic Violence Law Office is a trial-focused practice proudly bringing 15+ years of confident and battle-tested courtroom experience to your defense table. It is founded on the innovative principle that domestic violence law is a distinct area that demands a new type of practice focused on its distinctive fact patterns, defenses, and penalties. Domestic violence law is becoming increasingly unique and there is every indication that this trend will accelerate.
What if you were injured in a car accident, served with divorce papers, or charged with a DUI? Would you trust such serious issues with severe lifelong consequences with just an attorney, or would you call an accident lawyer for your injuries, a divorce lawyer for your custody issues, and a DUI lawyer for your DUI charge? Call, text, or email The Domestic Violence Law Office today.
Allegations are simply allegations. It is shameful that innocent people plead guilty to unprovable cases every day because they don’t understand their rights, been convinced the government always wins (they do not!), are represented by dispassionate or timid counsel, or are priced out of obtaining their day in Court by excessive trial fees. The Domestic Violence Law Office is proud to say it doesn’t do any of those things. Cases are taken on a transparent flat fee basis. Trial fees are deliberately kept lower than other attorneys despite having superior successful trial experience. While exceptional legal representation demands proportionate compensation, the enjoyment and personal satisfaction from sharing the remarkable and proven ability to speak truth to power by exposing unfounded government allegations on your behalf cannot be understated. The Domestic Violence Law Office is eager to investigate the allegations and share its exceptional skills with you.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is not a stand-alone charge. The charge is like a parasite; it must attach to another criminal offense to survive. A crime committed as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge directed at a person with whom there was an intimate relationship is an act of domestic violence. An angry call or text to an ex can be charged as “domestic violence” even though there wasn’t any actual violence.
Police and prosecutors use the broad and generous definition of domestic violence combined with initial mandatory jail and the threat of more as a scare tactic against you. The Domestic Violence Law Office stopped being scared long ago and is well seasoned against law enforcement tricks and tactics. Should the prosecutor refuse to negotiate a reasonable plea offer, we will gladly take them to trial. Don’t put your future at risk by putting it in the hands of inexperienced counsel.
You Need Experienced & Aggressive Defense
The District Attorney CAN NOT dismiss a domestic violence charge unless they have a good faith belief that domestic violence is unprovable. Inexperienced counsel will negotiate by showing you are a “good person,” “it had never happened before,” and “it won’t happen again.” By law, this approach cannot work to avoid the special penalties of domestic violence. It can even diminish the effectiveness of certain defenses should your case proceed to a jury trial. Don’t be sold short by inexperienced legal counsel.
The Judge and not the jury decides whether you committed domestic violence. Several specific penalties apply, including months to years of domestic violence classes and possible random drug screenings, both at your time and expense. Additionally, there could be work and living restrictions, loss of certain constitutional rights, problems with travel, and an unknown amount of lost opportunity. Don’t jeopardize your future by hiring an unknowledgeable and inexperienced lawyer. You need the invaluable experience of The Domestic Violence Law Office to help craft an effective defense and give you the best chance of success.
Protection Orders
2nd Amendment
Colorado law requires that the charged give up possession of firearms within 24 hours as a condition of being released. The order is temporary but stays in effect until the case is closed or modified by the Court. Federal Law permanently takes away gun possession rights for life with most but not all domestic violence convictions. Should a conviction for domestic violence be unavoidable, a skillfully negotiated plea or sentencing argument can sometimes save you a lifetime loss of your 2nd Amendment rights. A civil protection order made permanent, including an act of domestic violence, can also impair your 2nd Amendment rights for life. Unlike a criminal protection order, a civil protection order stays in effect forever or until the court modifies it. You do not even need to be convicted or charged with a crime!
The Domestic Violence Law Office has 15+ years of experience prosecuting, defending, and modifying protection orders. Don’t delay; your time to act could be limited. Don’t put your constitutional rights in the hands of inexperienced counsel.
The Domestic Violence Law Office
What You need to do now?
Due to the particularities of domestic violence law you do not want to do anything in haste that could hurt you in the future. There is a time and place to state your case and only with competent legal counsel by your side. Speaking to the police without an attorney from The Domestic Violence Law Office could also permanently take away some necessary rights you may need later in Court to prove your innocence. Communicating with the police without being fully aware of your rights and the accusations may result in more significant charges. Police officers can lie to you during an interview and are often incentivized to do so. An officer trained in interrogation cannot be beaten because the interrogation rules are stacked against you no matter what you say.
Contact The Domestic Violence Law Office to start protecting and preserving your rights today!